Byline Issue 06: Music to our EarsIssue 06 of Byline was themed Music to My Ears and centered around music and sound. Content ranged from a long conversation with cover star Julian Casablancas about his band The Voidz, to an essay on why noise-cancelling headphones shouldn’t exist. For this issue, I thought about what I love about music, and how I could translate those things to visual motifs. I clung to the idea of gradients and cascading type to capture melodies, and bold color combinations to capture the feeling of all the layers of sound that go into music. One of my favorite sensations of listening to an album all the way through is how you begin to memorize the order, and that expectation of a certain song starting after the previous becomes a sort of new song in itself. To emulate this feeling I lined each page with different checkered patterns, so you can begin to memorize where you are in the book, and can see what's ahead. Maybe you’ll begin to anticipate what checker pattern is coming next.
Gutes Guterman + Megan O Sullivan

Derek Abella, Seba Cestaro, Luca Schenardi, Natalie Shields, and Rob Vargas

Lauren Daccache, Brian Karlsson, Madison Lloyd, Marcus Maddox, Chad Moore, Nikole Naloy, Fenn Paider, Sarah Ritter, Levi Saderholm, Caroline Safran, Louisa Tantillo, Ben Turok, and Ramona Jingru Wang